Golf Fitness
The two biggest problems facing every golfer are misconceptions and physical limitations. I see it every day with my students. As your golf instructor, I can help you understand how to get the ball up in the air, how to have more accuracy and distance, etc., and erase the misconceptions. But to address physical limitations, which we all have, the golfer has to get to work individually to improve their level of fitness.
I’m no different. I’ve always been physically active, but in 2015 when I committed to going further with tournament golf, I connected with Bruce Lyon, a TPI (Titleist Performance Institute) Trainer in Nashville. Bruce has helped me achieve a new level of fitness and avoid injury while I put more and more time into competing at golf’s highest levels while continuing a full-time teaching load.
Bruce and I put these videos together to help you get in the best golf shape of your life. These are simple moves that you can do at home with no special equipment.
Commit to regular workouts and watch your game, and your health, improve.
The Importance of Training
The Importance of Training
Bill Breen and Bruce Lyon discuss the importance of training to improve your golf game and also how important it is to find just the right instructor for you.
Three-way Scapular Retraction
Three-Way Scapular Retraction
All of life has us hunching forward - over our phones, our tablets, our desks. These stretches help reverse that and will lengthen your golf swing.
Reverse Lunge
Reverse Lunge
Hang onto the door for for stability through this exercise.
Trapezius Muscles #1
Trapezius Muscles #1
All of life has us hunching forward. Do this trap stretch to correct that and lengthen your golf swing.
Trapezius Muscles #2
Trapezius Muscles #2
This exercise also works your traps and helps to correct posture.
Half Superman
Half Superman
This move, using two soup cans, improves your extension chain through your back.
Straight Leg Raises
Straight Leg Raises
The gluts are the most important muscle in the golf swing. These leg raises will help strengthen this important muscle. This one’s hard, folks.
Hip Hinge - Straight Leg Raises
Hip Hinge - Straight Leg Raises
This simple move will strengthen improve mobility in your hips.
Prone Rotator Cuff Extension
Prone Rotator Cuff Extension
This move may help keep you from injuring your rotator cuff.
Single Leg Bridges
Single Leg Bridges
Kick it up a notch with a golf club and single-leg bridges to strengthen gluts and hamstrings.
4-Way Adbuction
4-Way Abduction
A Bruce Lyon Original, this one works 4 very important muscles in your legs and gluts.
Open Book Stretch
Open-Book Stretch
This stretch promotes openness in the chest and upper back.
Rotatioinal Movement
Rotational Movement
This will improve you ability to move side to side. We all need to improve that lateral movement.
Single Leg Deadlift
Single Leg DeadLift
Strengthen your hamstring and improve your balance with this move.
Rotator Cuff Windshield Wiper
Rotator Cuff Windshield Wiper
This move will help prevent injury to your rotator cuff. Do it with or without weights.
This move will improve your balance and ankle strength. This will improve you balance in the golf swing.